Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Under the Sea

Follow up to the mermaid necromancer picture I posted earlier. Now she seems to have found herself a drowned sailor to play with. This can't end well.

Some things from last year

Mermaid Necromancer
Scarf Girl and Big Bug
Behrwin B.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Very Sad

There's a dead baby dove in the garden. I don't want to go into details, but it doesn't look like it was a very gentle death. I think it just died too, because it's body is still very soft. It's lying underneath a grapevine, which is currently dripping water out of the stumps on its branches. It looks like the grapevine is crying for the baby dove.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bad Hair Day





This was a series about people's hair turning into animals that I did in my senior year of high school. Then this year, during my sophomore year of college, I had an idea for another one!


Anyway, I intend to keep making these, as soon as I get some more ideas.






Digital paintings that I did of fruit last year.

Friday, March 18, 2011

So Aangry

So here's the picture of Aang I mentioned earlier. Finally done with it. I made the sketch several weeks ago when I was watching the series finale. Anyway, I hope you all like it!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Printmaking Work

"Be Green"


"The Cave"


These were all created over the course of the semester in my Printmaking class. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Having trouble getting to sleep tonight (I think a lot, which has always been a problem when it's come time to hit the hay) so I decided to talk a little about what I did today, namely, artwork. I spent a good few hours working on my picture of Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender, touching up on things here and there and over all making a big step towards completion. Even since I started college I've had less time to do my own, personal work, which naturally has always meant more to me than the stuff I do at school. I still sketch a lot, but looking back at my old sketchbooks I've realized how loose and sloppy my sketching has become. I realize that as sketches they're not supposed to be masterpieces, but it seems like in recent years I've lost my focus somewhat and it's showing in my artwork. Numerous times over the past few months I've wondered if I'm skilled enough to really accomplish my dream of becoming a professional illustrator. Will I be living with my parents and looking after little kids for minimum wage my whole life? Working on Aang, however, has reassured me greatly. The fact that, even though it's been a long time since I've worked on a piece in earnest, this is still better than most of the stuff I was doing two years ago is a big confidence booster. My faith in myself and my talent has been helped a lot tonight, and my goals are still in sight. If I ever get to sleep, I'm sure I'll rest easy.

I'll post the picture to this blog when I finally finish it.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Bananas strike me as being a very friendly fruit. They're always in a bunch. That's how they grow. Other fruits grow by themselves, each one hoping to be plucked off the tree instead of the others. They all have the same goal, but approach it as individuals. Not bananas, though. They're a team from the start. Maybe it's because they bruise easily. I know that if I was really sensitive, I'd want to have a collection of close knit friends around to support me through the hard times.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Don't Worry, It's Probably Just Cancer

So last month a went to the dermatologist to have a spot on my toe looked at. The doctor determined it was a mole, but wasn't sure whether or not it was malignant, especially since there is a history of skin cancer in my family. For this reason he took a sample to have examined, and told me I'd get the biopsy back within a week or two. Four weeks later, I called to ask if any results had come in. I was told they hadn't and that I would be notified when any results came. Another week passes, and I call them again. This time, I'm told that results have come in, and that the receptionist tried calling last week to notify me. I hold for a while before the woman comes back to quickly tell me "It was benign" before hanging up before I could ask if that was all there was to it. I'm sorry, but that doesn't seem like any way to treat a potential cancer victim! Even if we pretend that there had been some horrible fire at the lab that prevented my results from getting back for four weeks, they could have tried a little harder to get a hold of me once they arrived. You know, something like leaving a message if I didn't pick up the phone, or perhaps even calling more than once. And after all the time I waited, they couldn't be bothered to hold on for two seconds to see if I had any questions. I'm certainly glad to know I don't have cancer, but I wasn't expecting to have to jump through hoops to get that information.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mirrodin Besieged Prerelease

My friend Mike and I went to the Mirrodin Besieged Prerelease last night. To those who don't know, this prerelease was done a little different: When you sign up, you had to choose a faction, Mirran or Phyrexian, and then all of your Mirrodin Besieged boosters would contain only cards from your chosen faction. It's a fun idea, but came with a rather unfortunate side effect: The vast majority of Phyrexian cards were black or green, with very few white and almost no red, where as Mirran was the opposite: lots of red and white, little green and almost no black (blue was split more or less evenly amongst the factions). Even though half of the packs were from Scars of Mirrodin and both sets are artifact heavy and don't worry about color as much as others, players were still highly inclined to play either Green-Black or Red-White, depending on their faction. Of the 20+ people attending, I think I saw three people who weren't playing either Red-White Metalcraft or Green-Black Infect. This isn't a bad thing necessarily, but it does make decks very predictable , and once you've seen one Green-Black infect deck, you've seen them all. And while the faction split is an interesting and flavorful idea, there's a lot of synergy between several cross-faction cards that player's weren't able to take advantage of. In the end though, it was a fun time. My Green-Black infect deck did well, giving me 3 wins and 1 loss (The loss was to a gentleman with another Green-Black infect deck, only his had Phyrexian Crusader, Massacre Wurm and Glissa the Traitor. I didn't stand much of a chance.) Here's hoping that I'll have as much fun and do just as well at the New Phyrexia prerelease (and yes, it will be new Phyrexia. I'll be you anything.)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

First Post!

So I've been having a pretty rotten week, and I thought, "What better way to cope with my frustration and disappointment than to start a blog! That's what normal people do, right?" Not that this is going to be an outlet for my angst, of course. Even I don't want to read about that. And besides, I'm not a very angsty person. No, this is just going to be a place where I can share my thoughts on all kinds of things, as well as some of my artwork. So yeah, if you're reading this, say hi! I'd love to meet you.